Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Story Ideas

Storyline 1

At the start there is a motorbike chase which turns into a chase on foot, then one of the three criminals gets caught and taken in to be questioned. They realise they have got the wrong man and interrogate him for information. He gives them some information and they send their best policemen and also a government spy to search for the missing briefcase.

Police come together and create a plan and then the main character who is a government spy gets introduced. It shows situations when they get close to capturing him but he always gets away at the last moment.

Bad guy gets caught and dramatically killed but when they think they have the right man and the briefcase recovered. They were wrong.

Storyline 2

There is a close up of the dice falling to the board and as they hit the board a load bass drum sounds. and then recurring bass sound as they hit again. He slowly moves the piece forward. As it stops he slowly whispers the words to himself. "Be happy-Act as genuine and as positive as you can."

Day 2- be considerate - take into account how every one feels.
Day3 next day "get angry"

Film ends as the board is destroyed.
Turns out that he can only live while the board is in tact the board is apart of him more than he thinks.

Storyline 3

In this film the two escaped men are presented, at first, as escaped criminals however we later realise that the reason they re running is because they have a time altering machine which they helped create and the government want it back. It later conspires that these two escaped men have been involved in the making of the time manipulation device. 

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